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Inheritance in c#

AVADHESH PATEL5243 09-Jul-2012

Inheritance is the ability to define a new class or object that inherits the behavior and its functionality of an existing class. The new class or object is called a child or subclass or derived class while the original class is called parent or base class.

In other words when a class acquire the property of another class is known as inheritance.We can say that, inheritance is the second pillar of OOPs because with the help of single class we can’t make our project.  Through inheritance we can achieve code reusability and encapsulation. How?

Ans – code reusability….

Here we have made a function with name Info in class BASEand that function performs Xtask.  We have one more class too named is Derive.  Derive class wants to use base class function.

Now, there are two methods- one is we can create Info function again in class Derive second is we can simple inherited class BASE and call Info function. This method is called code reusability.

using System;
namespace inheritance
    class BASE
       public void Info()
            Console.Write("Enter Your Name...");
            string name=Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter Your Address...");
            string add = Console.ReadLine();
    class Derive:BASE
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Derive d = new Derive();

Ans – Encapsulation…

When we inherited base class in derived class and call the function of base class through derived class   object, but in background base class object is made, and that base class object call the function.

In other words we can say that when we calling function via dot operator that time we would not identify which function are related to Which class .

Inheritance in c#

This is called encapsulation in term of inheritance.


1. Base class scope is always is greater than derived class scope.

            2. Base class constructer called before derived class.

              3. When we make derived class of base class than three point we see of OOPs

                                1. Encapsulation

                                2. Polymorphism

                                3. Abstract/ Reusability

4. Inheritance default behavior is early binding.

public class Base
        public Base()
            Console.WriteLine("Base Class Constructor.");
        public void output()
            Console.WriteLine("I'm a Base Class.");
    public class Derive : Base
        public Derive()
            Console.WriteLine("Derive Constructor.");
        public static void Main()
            Derive d = new Derive();


    Base Constructor.
    Derive Constructor.
    I'm a Base Class.

Updated 07-Sep-2019
Avadhesh Kumar Patel District Project Manager - Aligarh 14 months work experience in Panchayati Raj Department Sector as District Project Manager & 12 months work experience in IT Sector as Software Engineer. :-)

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